Monday, July 20, 2009


So i was supposed to go to work today.. but i got owned and my mom said to just go tomorrow and wednesday. And she also said i might just don computer work at home on her laptop but whateves.. as long as i get paid. So i'm bored right now waiting for lejay to get here so i can play som street fighter but i'm probably not gonna stay that long. blah i hate having to go home super early before my parents get home.. Damnit damnit damnit lol oh well. And i REALLY want a 360 now lol or at least something with good games.. i'm always so bored at home and our cable sucks. Well i'm watching JONAS right now and it's pretty lame but kinda entertaining.. hahaha well i'm done here i guess i'll catch up with you bloggers later....

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Its kinda late but the evo meet got me wanting a mitsu. Fuck you brandon and mark blahbaldjfkjwon;alkdshoasdfasd fml lmao. anyways i really really want one bah. But its all chill ahha as long as i got a car woot woot. but.. i still wish i had a mitsu. or a speed6. or alotta other stuff that i cant get/afford. but yeahh so last night was pretty chill, i so gotta get more salmon fried rice. that shit was hella bomb. OH and brandon i didnt give you this picture


.. okay i'm totally kidding i did not take that picture, even though i really wish i took it.. damnit. hahaha seeing this picture made me wanna get a mitsu even more damnit. its STOCK too!! damnit.. lmao haha oh well gotta make do with what i got. So now i'm waiting for my parents to come home cuz idk where they are and i'm getting really hungry and they said we were going to cabazon or something but i dont really need any clothes cuz i'm waiting for the gang to go to melrose again. HUFHUFHUF. nah just playin.. maybe... but anyways its good to see richard blog again. its pretty cool and now that more people are blogging again it makes me wanna blog more now too. well not really i'll probably get lazy after the first post ahhah anyways marks house is the shit lol.. well its not THE SHIT but its pretty fun. Got me into blaz blue even tho i suck balls man. i wish i had a 360 lol ahha oh wellsss


so addicting...

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Okay so i guess i'm gonna start working next week. i hope i start getting pizaid.. damn i'm kinda excited but scared at the same time. i hope i dont screw things up for my moms company. what if i file the wrong thing or mess up an order. uh oh. lmao anyways i hope the autobac sail will be a big hit and i can buy a reg. k&n drop in. I dont think it'll make the sound of my engine any sexier but i'm sure it'll be able to breath.. i wish my car had a snorkle design for the intake :[ but it doesnt... damn lol. So kevin cortez also said we might experiment and get an HD lip.. and i'm really looking forward to that. but yeah i guess i havent completely given up on my car... well i kinda did. not gonna get my hopes up this time though. Anyways liezel needs to finish up my new cd and mark needs to give my trance cd back too lol but yeah. thats it for now later bloggers.

p.s. HELLA laggin on jeff's boxing vids lol

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Well today is louie's birfday. Happy birthday nigga. well today was alright except for a couple things that kinda pissed me off but its nothing too drastic.. anyways i'm hella hungry. I reallly need to go out later than fuckin 9. I understand that my parents are worried since i crashed my car but i think they should lighten up a little. i mean i'm not blaiming them. They have every right to be worried and not let me out. But i have been trying hard to fucking get out. so now they're letting me out. yay. idk what my limit is but they said i gotta be home before 11. but thats always my cerfew. they start calling around 7 saying its late. I guess they're still stuck in the past. They need to accept the fact that its a new generation and just let it flow. I've noticed that i'm probably the luckiest one out of my whole family since i'm the youngest but its still kinda lame that i still gotta follow the rules that everyone followed like 40 years ago. thats pretty lame. anyways whatever i just needed something to write about since i havent been blogging.. but yeahh soo i needa take more pictures too but there's just nothing. but yeah i'm thinking about getting a job. 2 days a week working with my mom... damn thats gonna be a biatch but i need money so.. maybe.. but yeah i'm out thats it for now my moms yelling already.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


So i'm typing this right now for liezel cuz shes super duper bored and she feels like reading... Well i hope your happy liezel lol Tomorrow is my 7 months!! crazy huh?? haha well i guess i'll just describe liezel cuz i really have nothing to say.. She laughs a lot even though nothing is funny. She goes off topic a lot. when shes congested she acts really high. okay this is lame lmao time to change the subject lol. So right when people start bloggin i stop bloggin.. what the eff is up with that mann.. haha well i'm really really bored right now and the magic blanket thing isnt really workin out for me. Oh well. Anyways i'm on the phone with liezel and she says she wants to go to new york. hmmm really random and now she's talking to lejay.. I dont really have anything to talk about right now. i feel kinda blank in emotion... I dont really feel like doing anything right now except talk on the phone and watch tv. I was going to do taht but liezel told me to write stuff for her to read so i am hahaha.. anyways i'm laggin on uploading the boxing vids.. SORRY JEFF. my fault lol computers laggin it. Takes like 1 hour to upload half of the damn vid. I'll try and upload it at liezels house. But yeahh so lazer tagging tomorrow??? i hope i get to go out but there are some things keeping me from going out. hahaha i'd rather not go into detail. It involves a car and a motorcycle and NO i didnt hit a guy on a motorcycle with my car but yeahh... soo I went to san jose. Liezel annoys herself. i know that was random but anyways all i did was freakin eat and i also found out i gained 3 pounds. I havent gained weight in a while and it feels like 7th grade all over again. For all you asswholes who saw my 7th grade picture you would probably know how fat i was.. it's actually quite funny lmao. Vanessa still has my damn ID from 7th grade, shes probably not gonna give it back. OH and that reminds me i gotta give tyler his damn de-odorant back.. That dumbass gave me roll on and i asked for spray -____- lmao. mann i miss hangin out with some peoplesss. Good thing its summahh woot woot. anyways i took some pictures at san jose and they're pretty crappy butt i guess it can decorate my blog. ahha


that picture took about 20 minutes to upload...